Ok quick post, race against the clock style. Time is something I don't waste these days, I can't, I don't have enough of it to begin with.
Bottom line at 7 months old I began using elimination communication with Audrey, most of her potty happened on the potty and we were golden.
16 months nearly ready to pop with our little Ethan I began attempting to potty train, as in I encouraged her to tell me she had to potty when I saw her I need I potty face.(Yeah I believe if you're willing to tune in that your baby does give a sign both of mine had an about to potty face, but tune in is required.) The only change was she would make a grunt with her face which was enough to keep her potty habit up while I was in the hospital for two days.
17 months mommy and baby home no regression…still golden :)
19 months my sisters and two nephews come in town for two weeks. Slowly regression happens and by the time my sister left I was so discouraged Audrey was in a diaper with no potty signals in play.
20 months after 1 full week back in diapers we start potty training. Lame details could bore you forever but basically we did the three days naked trick. Kevin agreed to my promise to get the floors cleaned when all was said and done. There were some puddles for sure. After the fact however my house smells nice and you'd never know it was a partial potty for three days. Audrey is now actually potty trained (day time) not just equipped with a potty stalker mommy who hears a grunt, sees a face and throws her on the potty.
I feel at times like my life revolves around the toilet. Im checking a four year old to make sure "is my butt good?", Im running in a hurry to get a 21 month old on the potty when she urgently requests "poop poop" (sometimes having to throw my 4 month old to my 4 y/o to do so) and I'm changing a 4 month olds diaper quite often. Sometime all are in need at the same moment and I'm having to run Audrey upstairs while Karaline is downstairs and Ethan's crying in a dirty diaper. It's truly an adventure and I'm withholding some funny stories I don't have time for now. I'm not going to be potty blogging for a while, although I may still blog in general. We will probably have a life in transition pretty soon so who knows if I will take the time. Thanks for reading and please feel free to contact me if you need any potty training tips or encouragement.