Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 3

So I intended to put more research in here, but I haven't had much time this week.....eventually I'll post more research.

Day three of baby lets potty went like a dream. Audrey is not by any means potty trained, but she certainly knows what the potty is for and used it six or seven times today. Every time I put her on the potty she peed within thirty seconds except the last time, I got nothing. Also I put her on the potty as soon as she finished eating instead of snacking her to hold off so I could clean up and then putting her on the potty and she actually pooped on the potty.

Two things that I've read about infant or pre toddler potty training that I've taken to heart: one is to change their diaper every time you notice that it's wet so they are used to the feeling of a dry diaper. Two the older you wait to potty train the more trained they are to ignore the urges they naturally feel so starting earlier should and most likely will result in training earlier.

I'm feeling encouraged and motivated to keep putting her on the potty every hour and changing her diaper every hour. One note I don't worry about any of this during nap or night time.

Not to many diapers to wash tonight =D


  1. 1st of all I'm so glad you're blogging about this experience! My girls are going on 15 months and I was thinking about possibly potty training soon. One of my girls likes to take her diaper off when given the opportunity so that's what sparked the thought. I started my son around 18/19 months and though its been a long road, he is definitely potty trained at this point. A lot of people say the average for boys to even begin is 3 so we're ahead of the game :)

    Good luck in this adventure! :-)

    1. Thank you Sarah, yes I say do it, with twins yours will be twice the adventure. My thought, make it a bathroom party... two little girls on two little potties, their older brother and a kitchen timer for two or three minutes of singing silly potty songs with huge clapping and or dancing party when potty happens and a reward at the end for simply staying on the potty for two or three minutes. Surprisingly enough it may be something you look forward to on the half hour or hour depending on how motivated you are, I do the hour mark =} I wish you well and thanks for reading.
