Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mommy moments

So last Wednesday while the Penn state sleep study was recording Audrey's night sleep she woke up with croup. Just that nasty sound like a seal barking cough and that thick striders like breathing. The following day Kevin left town, since then Audrey's improved greatly and honestly never stayed bad, she would just have a rough hour here and there. However, six days of single mommyhood have been quite the adventure. Just little things like sitting in the steaming bathroom with Audrey while Karaline is in there bouncing off the walls. I finally say "ok that's enough please sit down" and she sits in a slide like maner on the toilet seat which causes her to slide right off landing in my lap on Audrey. Then I set off the smoke allarm with the steam and had two crying girls, the smoke alarm going off and a howelling dog. Or like tonight when I was filling up the humidifier and Audrey pulled herself up to standing on the toilet, so I put the humidifier on the back of the toilet to remove her from the bathroom just to hear it slide off the toilet and dump gallons of water on my floor. I really feel like at the end of the day there should be a warning sign on my forehead: may contain trace amounts of urine, snot and vomit wash before use ;) yes I am a mom. Some how in the midst of all this I still can't imagine not having another one. So I'm excited that my single mommy time hasn't lasted long and glad we have at least a year before Kevin is deploying. As for potty time, I slacked a little when Audrey was sick, but mostly because she would whimper on the potty and I didn't want to force anything. Since she's feeling better we're back to it and pretty much its the same as before if I put her on the potty every half hour she will use it but she only signs potty sometimes when she has to poop. Oh and the rash is back in almost full swing but I had a two day break during the croup :)

To all my temporary or permanently single momma friends .....you're my heroes.

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