So in my experience having one two year old and moving into a two level apartment town home with plenty of closets, takes two weeks to get organized to my standard. However, being pregnant, having a one year old and four year old while moving into a three level (ugh) town home with very little closet space, takes five weeks to get organized to my standard. Tomorrow is the five week mark :D
I can't believe how quickly the weeks are passing. I'm blown away. Between putting my energy and focus into my girls, managing our home (including grocery shopping and food prep which are huge time tasks), doctors appointments (including chiropractor, because pregnancy rocks my lower back), Karalines' swim lessons; gymnastics and the daily routine of nap time/rest time, along with mommy/Karaline preschool hour, and meeting up with friends (I still haven't seen everyone I know in this area), all starting with my mommy Pilates and prayer time at 5:45 (because if I wait til after 6am I can't creak down the stairs w/o waking the girls up), the days pass into weeks so quickly I'm stunned. Ok, I said all that to lead up to the fact that somehow Audrey has already been in training panties for 3 weeks. She's doing great at home, but I haven't attempted it outside the home (she will at least use public potties). She still doesn't always tell me she has to potty at home, mostly I just put her on the potty often enough that she doesn't have to. Although there are times I'm to busy and she ends up wet, but more often than not she's dry. Karaline has now learned Audrey's I've gotta poop grunt which is helpful. Oh the other day Karaline says "mommy Audrey's said uh but I have to poop super bad" then she runs to the potty and hops on. Audrey chases after her then stands by the potty rocking her hips and signing please. They are often on the same schedule, which also helps. I'm glad that I started this so young with Audrey because it's helped me to continually be aware of my need to focus on her and teach her things, but from a potty training stand point I still think that 16 months (when I started with Karaline) is the best potty training age. Although, because of our potty breaks Audrey knows a lot of her body parts and can answer yes and no to my questions. We spend potty time showing her lots of things. Karaline has also gotten very in tune with teaching Audrey and reading Audrey's needs. I'm sure there would be other ways to make a point of this type of investment, but potty parties have been our way. So, the task is still a work in progress, but we are at least making progress. In the meantime I'm moving on from move in organizing to gonna have a baby in about six weeks prepping mode. Here's to the adventures of mommy hood.
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