So I'm a little over three weeks into this mom of three gig. Week one my mother in law was here, week two I was w/o a helping visitor, but my friends kept me fed and week three my mom was here. So yesterday was the first day that I had to venture to the pool for Karalines swim lesson with all 3 by myself. I was nervous for sure, with 2 kids you have two arms but a third arm doesn't grow with the third kid so I felt out numbered. Anyway I prepped for the event, timing everything down to the last minute. Breakfast, followed by play with girls for an hour, nap Audrey, get ready, nurse Ethan, load Ethan (we have a garage, which makes this easier), wake and load Audrey then head out. We get to the pool and Karaline leads us In with me holding Audrey on one hip carrying Ethan's car seat in the other hand with our pool back pack on my back. Phew we made it :) ..... Just in time for them to say "no one called you?....I'm sorry the swim instructor called out sick". Well, we were already there, so I put all of our suits on and brought them swimming while Ethan slept on the side lines. Everything was going great and as soon as I began to feel like wow I can do this Audrey slipped and hit her head. Well, an ice pack and a cuddle fixed that, then Audrey had to poop which meant a parade to the bathroom and back, but she didn't mess in her swim suit so I'm happy.
When swim time was over we headed out and immediately Karaline had a melt down in the vehicle, but I was simply so happy the pool process went well that her melt down wasn't even stressful (plus all kids were contained at the time). So, there you have it, first outing down :) we all lived to tell and we even had fun, smiled, and even laughed. I am truly overjoyed with my little blessings, but I've certainly had moments that I'm not sure I can make it through the day. Ethan's ready to go back to sleep now so I'm going to take advantage of it. Happy thanksgiving.
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