Friday, April 20, 2012


Well three days back in cloth and she has a diaper rash. I don't think it's yeast again, but I'm running to the grocery store later to buy disposables so I can use diaper cream. I'm also going to try a new diaper soap and give cloth one more chance. I'm so sad because I like cloth better and never had an issue with cloth diapering Karaline. On a more dissatisfying note Audrey is still covered in a body rash. The doctor said its probably a food allergy, but that he wont send her for allergy testing at only ten months (not sure how I feel about that). Coincidentally Karalines' allergy symptoms began at ten months and after battling with the doctor I finally found out at twenty months that Karaline is allergic to peanuts and sensitive to dairy. So I'm starting a food journal for Audrey and hope to solve this through elimination. We'll see.

On another note I cut my friends hair today, it looks great, she loves it and while I was cuttting I enjoyed it and enjoyed my friends company. However, I have now decided that I will no longer kitchen beautician. The romantic experience of doing something you love is lost when you're stopping more times than you can count to take care of kids (even if taking care of your kids is another thing you love). So, my new goal will be to find a hair stylist wherever we move to refer my friends too . I'll cut hair again when my kids are in school and I work at a salon.

So now to take Henery to the vet and buy diapers.
Til next time, be blessed.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

One step forward two steps back

First off I just want to say potty time is going great. Despite the one step forward two steps back dance phase that life seems to be stuck in right now, potty time is successful. Audrey is still not telling me when she needs to potty, but I've gotten really good and noticing her natural potty signs. If I am paying attention we can make it through every waking hour with a dry diaper. Oh yeah, since the diaper rash is gone I have been keeping her in diapers which has eliminated carpet clean ups....phew. 
The reason I feel like we're in a dance cycle avoiding moving  forward in life in general, is because as soon as I almost catch up on things something comes our way to say, just kidding. Now I'm not complaining, I am a blelssed positive person and I love my life. Having said that, (I think) we're finally past a stomach bug that lingered on and off for nearly two weeks and now Audrey's body is covered in a rash that I am guessing is due to the added use of borax in our laundry. So just as all the virus laundry was finished, I began a strip everything in the house and rewash without borax process.  This too shall pass and around the bend will be another mommy adventure which challenges, but ultimately fills my heart with gratitude for the blessing of mothering my two beautiful gifts. Til next time.
PS when the laundry drama ends I'm going back to cloth.