Monday, July 16, 2012


Ok so no plunge taken. I ordered everything I need: travel potty seat, gerber training panties and car seat piddle pads. Then the day the final item came in the mail we left on a last minute trip to see my family, so I never went diaper free. However, the travel potty seat ensured for the first time since we started potty use that a trip didn't eliminate potty progress so far. So, Audrey is still using the potty regularly, just using her disposable diaper too. So the new plan was to go diaper free when we got home, but we came home to orders to move in about a month so now I don't know. We are also going to be spending a week at the beach in between now and when we move so I'm thinking of just treading where we are and progressing once we have moved. In the meantime, we're living the great life. I wish this summer could last a year.